Hunt Down the Freeman began as a modification for Half-Life 2. Discovering that Adam has attempted to assume control over his army, Shephard confronts and executes him before directing the ship to set sail for a stranded research vessel named the Borealis. Shephard then proceeds towards a factory overseen by Boris, who mistakenly believes that he killed Sasha and orders a Combine force to kill him however, Shephard defeats them and returns to the Avalon Vale. The G-Man goes on to explain that Shephard's actions have weakened the Combine, allowing Freeman to defeat them. After escaping the Resistance, Shephard confronts the G-Man, who reveals that Adam was the one who attacked him at Black Mesa as part of a deal between the two. Adam suddenly appears and kills Sasha, urging Shephard to run. After the attack, he is captured by the Resistance before being rescued by Boris' daughter Sasha (Eli Walker).

Together with Adam, Shephard allies with the Combine and attacks the Resistance base at Black Mesa East. Seventeen years after that, the G-Man instructs Shephard to travel to City 17 and kill Freeman. After negotiating with the factory's administrator, Boris (Vincent Fallow), Shephard rescues them and brings them back to his outposts. Three years later, Shephard travels to City 9 in Alaska and discovers a Combine factory operated with child slavery.
Valve spotlight huntdown the freeman series#
The ship is attacked by the Combine, killing Roosevelt Shephard takes control of the survivors and forms his own private army operating out of a series of oil platforms. Coming across a port, Shephard finds the container ship Avalon Vale and its captain, Roosevelt (Oliver Colton). In Nevada, they link up with another group of Rangers led by Lieutenant Harvey (Jonathan Benlolo), and escape with them to the Pacific Northwest. The group decides to flee to Nevada however, the train they use is attacked by the Combine, with Shephard, Alex and Adam being the only survivors. Shephard eventually makes contact with a group of Army Rangers led by Colonel Cue (Michael Green), before discovering from a radio broadcast that the United States has surrendered to the Combine. After linking up with a National Guardsman named Alex (Alexander Beltman), Shephard traverses the city, reluctantly partnering with black operations agent Adam (Vincent Cyr) along the way.

Waking up in Albuquerque, New Mexico some time later, Shephard discovers it to be under a full-scale invasion from the Combine.

He awakens on a hospital bed and is confronted by the G-Man (Evan Kascinde), who cryptically promises Shephard an unspecified reward in exchange for killing Freeman "when the time comes". There, he is attacked and severely injured by a man whom Shephard believes to be Gordon Freeman. United States Marine Corps Sergeant Mitchell Shephard (Mick Lauer) is sent to the Black Mesa Research Facility to cover up an alien invasion. Uniquely, it uses a parkour mechanic, which the player can use to scale pipes, crates, and other large objects. The game features similar mechanics to other games within the Half-Life series, while differing in the type of weapons used. Hunt Down the Freeman is a single-player first-person shooter in which players take control of Sergeant Mitchell Shephard. The game was released to a negative reception, receiving criticism for its numerous bugs, perceived poor design, and allegations of copyright infringement. Developed by Royal Rudius Entertainment, it is an independently developed unofficial installment to the Half-Life franchise. Hunt Down the Freeman is a 2018 first-person shooter video game.